Your Heart Wants You To Floss And Brush

If fresh breath is not enough incentive for you to want to brush and floss, I am here to offer another incentive. Studies have shown that people with gum disease have two to three times the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other serious heart issues. This has led scientists to conclude thatContinue reading “Your Heart Wants You To Floss And Brush”

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I Have No More Compassion To Give

The pandemic, George Floyd’s public murder, our country trying to control the reproductive rights of women, constant mass shootings that our legislators are turning a blind eye to, a woman walking into a Chili’s restaurant and murdering another woman, over 20 years of exposure to violence and suffering as a criminal defense attorney. All ofContinue reading “I Have No More Compassion To Give”

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IV Hydration: I Did It!

My digestive system is a “hot mess”. In addition to seeking medical care, I am making some dietary changes with the hopes of helping my body to heal. My biggest battle has been with my daily dark roast caffeinated cups of coffee. I am that two coffee maker owner kind of girl. The girl whoseContinue reading “IV Hydration: I Did It!”

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Aging Gracefully: An Inside Out Job

This is for all of the women out there like me trying to figure out how to take care of themselves so that they can accomplish all of the things on their life to-do list. I don’t know about you, but now that I am comfortable in my skin, I need it to last soContinue reading “Aging Gracefully: An Inside Out Job”

Protect Your Energy, Literally

One of the many phrases we often hear these days is “protect your energy”. Seeing that as some great advice, I decided to visit an energy healer and literally protect my energy. I was driving through the town of Hillsborough when I came across the Cedar Walk Wellness Center. It caught my eye because I thoughtContinue reading “Protect Your Energy, Literally”

She’s So Negative: There’s A Reason For That

How many times have you accused someone of being so negative? Or has anyone ever called you a “negative Nancy”? It seems that human nature causes us to focus on the negative more than the positive. According to a whole lot of research out there, these negative tendencies occur because our brain is wired toContinue reading “She’s So Negative: There’s A Reason For That”

Oxytocin Anyone?

I always wondered why my mood drastically improves after one of my “highway driving singing sessions”. For me, a “highway driving singing session” involves a little more than turning the volume up and singing along. A “highway driving singing session” means I am putting on a full concert from my seat for everyone I driveContinue reading “Oxytocin Anyone?”

“Bad Bitches” Have Bad Days

“Bad Bitches Have Bad Days” is the phrase that came into my head when I initially began thinking about this post. In my mind, there needed to be a conversation about allowing women to “just be” without judgment. And, I still believe that is a conversation we should have. Just not today. Today I wantContinue reading ““Bad Bitches” Have Bad Days”

3 Myths About Mindful Meditation

According to, mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. According to Wikipedia,  meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique to train attention and awareness to achieve a mentallyContinue reading “3 Myths About Mindful Meditation”

Glass 1/2 Full: 3 Things The Pandemic Allowed Me To Focus On

I know it might be hard to believe that anyone can take anything positive from the year 2020. And as we move into 2021, many of us are beginning to wonder, is there any end in sight. While 2020 and 2021, thus far, have not created ideal circumstances, many of us, as we hunker downContinue reading “Glass 1/2 Full: 3 Things The Pandemic Allowed Me To Focus On”