Meghan Markle Hit the Jackpot


Just like every other woman on the planet, I was tuned in for the royal wedding. Most women (and maybe even some men) love a storybook romance. Mesmerized by the beauty and splendor of the union between this beautiful couple, many of us focused in on every expression shared between them, trying to confirm that true love was present. They did not disappoint, gazing into one another’s eyes as the world looked on.

Leading up to the royal wedding I heard many comment about how lucky Meghan Markle was. Despite her own personal success, it seemed she had hit the jackpot by marrying into this wealthy, privileged family. The jackpot for many meant Meghan Markle was about to be immersed into a world that included access to “things” and experiences that most could never dream of having. The fact that she had come from humble beginnings, and, according to societal standards, was not the type of woman that one would expect Prince Harry to wed, took the romance to another level because, quite frankly, it gave many women hope that they too may one day meet their “Prince Charming” without being limited by race or class.

Of course I could whole-heartedly appreciate the opportunities that awaited Meghan Markle as she transitioned into being the Duchess of Sussex. But, as a professional woman, concerned with leaving my own footprint, I thought about all that this seemingly independent woman would have to give up in the name of love (I mean who doesn’t want to take a selfie every now and then!) 🙂

The more I watched them interact with one another, I realized that she easily walked away from everything, and happily assumed her role as Prince Harry’s wife, because she had hit the ultimate jackpot, the “emotional jackpot”. Despite his wealth, Prince Harry was compassionate, conscious, and kind. And, he seemed completely enamored with his beautiful wife.

As I watched the couples BBC interview I applauded this sister. Unlike many others who assume hitting the jackpot is about wealth, status, and privilege, she was centered enough to know that the only jackpot that mattered when it came to the heart was the “emotional jackpot”. So, instead of being caught up with the fact that she was, quite possibly, going on a date with a Prince, her primary concern was, “is he nice”.

As women, we are so fortunate for all of the advances that we have made. Female empowerment and gender equality, as it relates to relationships, is no longer  about proving to the world that I don’t need a man.  It means I, as a woman, do not have to be limited to men that can ensure my financial stability. Empowered, I can enter into a union as a team, with the common goal of stability. I have been empowered so that I can enter a union that is centered around mutual respect. I have been empowered so that I can choose compassion, integrity, and intelligence over security. And, most importantly, I have been empowered so that I too can ask the simple, but most important question,  “is he nice”?

Much love,


P.S. Men, you have been empowered too! You can shift your focus from taking care of us, to, loving us! Embrace your inner Prince 🙂

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