Modern Ways To Take Care Of Your “Lady Parts”

flowers in front of underwear

I don’t care what y’all say, some things in life are just too complicated these days! I remember the days when pubic hair was a sign of womanhood that every girl anxiously awaited. Now it seems every girl that hits this milestone is rushing to salons everywhere just to have every pubic hair literally ripped from her body. And if waxing is not enough to think about, there are spas everywhere that focus on keeping your “VA-J-J” youthful!

My curiosity got the best of me so I went out there on the world wide web and gathered some information…only for you, my loyal readers, of course 🙂 

flower in front of underwear



wax is used to remove hair from the bikini line.


wax is used to remove hair from the front, side, and back of your vagina. 

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From what I can gather it is the same as a facial, but, you guessed it, the focus is on your vagina. Go figure!

A vajacial treats

in-grown hairs, removes dead skin cells and smooths bumps around the bikini line, prevents acne and helps maintain healthy, hydrated skin around the vagina. 

If you are thinking about giving a vajacial a try, it seems you have to have a Brazilian wax first. Sorry ladies, for those of you still holding on to your very first pubic hair, vajacials are not for you. Everyone else, it is recommended that you wait at least 10 days after your wax before going in for your vajacial. However, it is not necessary for you to get a vajacial after every wax. Arguably, it is never necessary for one to get a vajacial

Apparently, if you are a little shy about sitting there with your legs wide open while someone exfoliates, pokes, and prods, you can just do a google search for DIY vajacials and exfoliate in the confines of your home.


For those of you that are looking for a vaginal treatment that might be a little less up close and personal, a Yoni Steam might be the answer for you.

A Yoni Steam is an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs.

Although this concept is new to me, it seems that women have been Yoni steaming for ages! It is believed, although not scientifically proven, that a Yoni Steam allows a woman the chance to reconnect with her body and use plant medicine to improve her menstrual cycle and to regulate various health issues.

No worries, for those of you that can’t embrace the idea of squatting over a bowl of steaming water in a public place, you can get your Yoni Steam on in the privacy of your home. According to The Apothecary Company, the easiest way to Yoni Steam at home is to boil distilled water and pour it over a clean bowl, sitz bath, toilet or pot containing an herb mixture. Once the mixture cools so as not to burn, you should sit on the steam bath for 5-30 minutes with your lower body wrapped with clean towels or blankets in order to contain the healing steam bath. 

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Having trouble with tightness, urinary incontinence, or lubrication? No worries, Vaginal Rejuvenation is here to save the day!

In short, vaginal rejuvenation is vaginal plastic surgery.

But, if you are not sure about going that far, there are now energy based vaginal rejuvenation treatments. Energy based rejuvenation treatments are non-surgical treatments that use heat to enhance collagen, blood vessels, tightness and lubrication. Go Figure!

Not sure about any of this, no problem, simply practice good hygiene, get your kegel on, and call it a day!

Much love,


Published by Tonza D. Ruffin

Perfectly Imperfect but VERY PROUD WOMAN, MOM, LAWYER, and AUTHOR, but most importantly...LIFE LOVER! I laugh loud, I work hard, I play hard, I am adventurous, I am curious, I am driven, I have moments of deep insecurity, I am loving, I am vulnerable, I am explosive (not one of my finer qualities), I dance around my house alone, I am an awful perfectionist which makes my insecurity worse, I sing out loud in my car without any concern for whose watching, I have trust issues, I do not live through my children, I no longer try to force my children into the mold that I created so that I could feel validated as a mother, I am a risk-taker, I am guarded in my personal life, I am kind, I am grateful. I am so excited about the rest of my life!

2 thoughts on “Modern Ways To Take Care Of Your “Lady Parts”

  1. What happen to passion, clean genitals and skills? Hair is a natural cushion against sexual friction. Less hair does not mean gratifying Orgasms.

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