MOTHER’S DAY WISH LIST: for an over 40 empowered mom :-)

There is something about being over 40 and, almost 50. I am unapologetically living my best life, and it feels so good! I am also unapologetically hyperaware of these bags under my eyes :-). For those of you that have known me or seen some of my pictures, you know I wear little to no makeup, primarily because there is just not enough time in my day. Also, real talk, I am way too lazy to consistently keep up such a beauty regimen. With that being said, I have been searching for ways to reduce the puffiness under my eyes. Fortunately, watching Klossy on YouTube and Dana Blair on Instagram gave me some wonderful ideas.

This post is dedicated to all children of mothers over 40 that are looking for great Mother’s Day ideas. Okay…I am really writing this post to drop hints for my children. 🙂


CRYO FREEZE TOOLS. Ohhhhh, I want these soooo bad. Unfortunately or fortunately, these cryo freeze tools are on backorder. So, I have had to resort to the old school way of doing things, FROZEN SPOONS! OMG! Rubbing frozen spoons around your face is so relaxing. I don’t know why it took me so long to try this. You really should give it a try.

EYE INSTANT STRESS RELIEVING MASK. They look like they are fun to wear but for $150.00 they better work!

Here are some not sooo expensive options that I have heard work wonders on puffy eyes. The things I will probably get from my children on Mother’s Day!


PREPARATION H. I must admit, the thought of hemorrhoid cream under my eyes has me on pause with trying this method. But, from what I have read, you absolutely do not want to use hemorrhoid cream from the U.S. Apparently, hemorrhoid cream eye advocates order their hemorrhoid cream from Canada and Europe.
Not sure I am going to try Preparation H, but if any of you have had any success with this method, please let me know.

Now that I have shared with you, tell me, what’s on your mother’s day gift wish list? Also, if you have any eye puffiness hacks please share in the comments. I need your help!

Much Love,


Published by Tonza D. Ruffin

Perfectly Imperfect but VERY PROUD WOMAN, MOM, LAWYER, and AUTHOR, but most importantly...LIFE LOVER! I laugh loud, I work hard, I play hard, I am adventurous, I am curious, I am driven, I have moments of deep insecurity, I am loving, I am vulnerable, I am explosive (not one of my finer qualities), I dance around my house alone, I am an awful perfectionist which makes my insecurity worse, I sing out loud in my car without any concern for whose watching, I have trust issues, I do not live through my children, I no longer try to force my children into the mold that I created so that I could feel validated as a mother, I am a risk-taker, I am guarded in my personal life, I am kind, I am grateful. I am so excited about the rest of my life!

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